Our journey began May 1991, Doug and Betty Alder, who had for some considerable time, felt called to worship in the Marton Area, shared this at a Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (F.G.B) dinner at the Swan Hotel, Redcar. On that occasion, David Willows, from the Hollybush Fellowship, was the guest speaker. On praying for Doug and Betty, he prophesied that the Lord was moving the Alders into new pastures and had new work for them to do. Richly blessed, they continued to pray for enlightenment. They were regularly visited by Brian Foskett, who was the President of the Cleveland Branch of the F.G.B. These visits soon turned into times of prayer and they felt the Lord’s leading into commencing a Fellowship in Marton.
12/05/1991Brian Foskett, with Doug and Bet Alder started praying for a move of God in the Marton area. After three weeks God led them to inaugurate Marton Christian Fellowship and they started meeting regularly in Doug and Bet Alders home. Brian Foskett kindly took over the Leadership role and they commenced worship on Sunday morning, 3rd November, 1991. Over the years, the years, they met in several different locations. These included schools, a hotel and a community centre. There was a short period of about 2-3 months when the church had to move from the Community Centre as it had suffered an arson attack, and moved into Captain Cook Primary School. They were not allowed to stay there long and had to move back into the Community Centre again for a few more years.
11/03/1992The church was growing spiritually and numerically and needed a bigger venue, so moved into Nunthorpe Primary School for about 9 years, until once again because of numerical growth, they needed to move into Nunthorpe Senior School. March 2003 we also changed the name of the fellowship to ALL NATIONS CHURCH.
06/04/1997We continued to grow and so needed a bigger place. We needed a building where we could call HOME. God moved again and we bought and moved into our current home at Hemlington on 29th September 2006. 1st January 2008 – Pastor Brian passed the baton to Pastor John Ashwell. 7th September 2010 – Pastor John Ashwell passed the baton to Pastor Albert Cole was appointed the pastor. 2nd March 2014 – Pastor Albert Cole & his family relocated to Ghana and Pastor Ian Rowland was appointed as pastor.
09/05/2006Head over to our mission, vision statement page and ‘meet our leaders’ to see how our journey continues.